At Heartland Surrogacy, matches are a mutual decision made by the surrogate and intended parent(s) (IPs). During the application process, we’ll get to know you and your goals for the journey. Our team brings together profiles that we believe will work well together based on a number of important factors, such as medical details and communication preferences. 

We first present the IP profile to the surrogate. The surrogate has the opportunity to ask additional questions and decide if they’d like to meet the IPs. Once a surrogate decides to move forward with a profile, the IP(s) are presented with the surrogate’s profile. If they are also interested in meeting, we will coordinate the match call and help facilitate the conversation. If everyone agrees to work together, the next step is surrogate medical screening.

Although it only happens rarely, if either party does not want to move forward during the matching phase, we will begin the process again.


Whether you’re ready to start your journey or want to discuss the details further, we’re here for you!


Are you motivated to help build a beautiful family?