During the application process, we will review a surrogate applicant’s insurance policy. If there is a surrogacy exclusion, we will work with thme to secure another plan. This may be a surrogacy-specific plan or a plan purchased from the Healthcare Marketplace during open enrollment. The premiums on this policy will be paid by the Intended Parents for the duration of the surrogacy agreement.

Some agencies have a policy of offering lower compensation to surrogates who do not have surrogate-friendly insurance. At Heartland Surrogacy, we provide surrogates with information on typical compensation and allow them to set their own compensation based on what they are most comfortable with. We do not automatically lower compensation based on the status of health insurance. However, we will advise a surrogate if we think the combination of base compensation and insurance premiums – two of the largest expenses in a journey – would be too high for most of our intended parents and could extend the time until we are able to find a suitable match.