At Heartland Surrogacy, we know surrogacy is a big commitment for both intended parents (IPs) and surrogates. For IPs, a surrogacy journey costs an average of $200,000 and will vary depending on your unique circumstances. Surrogates set their own compensation amounts with our guidance and advice on industry standards. 

The financial breakdown below is intended to assist in your planning and research. It does not constitute a contract and may not include all items of your specific journey. Apart from our agency fees, all costs are estimates. Please contact third-party providers directly for exact amounts.

Provider Expenses

IVF and associated costs: $20,000

Donor material, if needed: $10,000

Agency Fees

Retainer: $6,000

Before Matching Estimate $36,000+

Provider Expenses

Escrow management: $1,850

Surrogate psychological evaluation: $1,000

IP psychological consultation: $500

Joint IP and surrogate psychological consultation: $300

Surrogate medical evaluation: $4,000

Agency Fees

Matching stage installment: $12,000

Surrogate Expenses

Travel, lost wages, childcare costs while attending screening appointments: varies

Surrogate Compensation

Medical screening bonus: $250

Matching Estimate $20,300+

After the surrogate’s medical clearance, the IP(s) will fund the escrow account with at least the surrogate’s base compensation plus 20%. The account remains active until all journey-related expenses are paid. The IP(s) must maintain a minimum balance at all times and will need to replenish the account at pivotal milestones in the journey. Third-party providers are typically paid directly. The other amounts listed below are disbursed from the escrow account following the guidelines set in the contract between the IP(s) and the surrogate (the GCA).

Provider Expenses

Contract drafting and review: $3,500+

Surrogate health insurance $8,000 – $20,000

Life insurance premiums (12 months): $675

Surrogate mental healthcare (18 months): $4,500+

(one appointment per month, for services obtained)

Agency Fees

Contracts stage installment: $8,500

Surrogate Expenses

Monthly expense allowance: $300

(paid monthly after contract is signed)

Surrogate Compensation

Medication start fee: $1,000

Surrogate base compensation: $50,000+

(paid in monthly installments starting when pregnancy is confirmed)

Contracts Estimate $79,775 - $91,775+

Third-party providers are typically paid directly. The other amounts listed below are disbursed from the escrow account following the guidelines set in the GCA.

Provider Expenses

Embryo transfer and monitoring clinic fees: $8,000

Agency Fees

Final installment: $8,500

Surrogate Expenses

Travel expenses for transfer: varies

(potential costs include airfare, accommodation, childcare, and lost wages for the surrogate and support person, if applicable)

Surrogate Compensation

Transfer fee: $1,000

(includes mileage, childcare, and lost wages if clinic is within 30 miles)

Transfer Estimate $17,500+

Third-party providers are typically paid directly. The other amounts listed below are disbursed from the escrow account following the guidelines set in the contract between the IP(s) and the surrogate (the GCA). This is not an exhaustive list of possible requirements and needs for your specific journey.

Provider Expenses

Insurance maximum out-of-pocket: $1,000 – $10,000

Surrogate power of attorney and estate fees, if applicable: $1,500+

Professional medical billing management: $2,000

Parentage documents: $5,000+

(overall cost and required documentation will depend on your personal circumstances)

Surrogate Expenses

Pregnancy clothing allowance $750

Pregnancy Estimate $10,250 - $19,250+

The amounts listed below are disbursed from the escrow account following the guidelines set in the contract between the IP(s) and the surrogate (the GCA).

Surrogate Expenses

Postpartum lost wages: varies

Surrogate Compensation

Pumping milk, if applicable: $250/week

Postpartum Estimate Varies

The following estimated costs may or may not apply to your journey. If applicable, the surrogate expenses and compensations are disbursed from the escrow account following the guidelines set in the contract between the IP(s) and the surrogate (the GCA).

Surrogate Expenses

Housekeeping, if on bed rest: $150/week

Childcare, if on bed rest or traveling: $20/hour

Lost wages for appointments and bed rest: varies

Surrogate Compensation

Experienced surrogate: $15,000+

Carrying multiples (per fetus): $10,000

Cesarean section: $2,500

Canceled cycle: $500 

Invasive procedure (per occurrence): $1,000

(includes amnio, CVS, D&C)

Fetal reduction: $1,500

Loss of uterus, ovary, or fallopian tubes: $1,000 – $2,000

Full hysterectomy: $5,000

Agency Fees and Financial Policies

Agency fees, third-party costs, and surrogate compensation amounts are subject to change. Agency fees are non-refundable. This information is provided for planning purposes and is not a guarantee of exact costs. While efforts have been made to include the majority of anticipated expenses, the specific circumstances of your journey may result in additional costs. Ultimately, all expenses incurred as a result of, or in preparation for, a surrogacy pregnancy are the responsibility of the intended parents.

Independent Matches

Intended parents who have recruited their own surrogate will receive a 20% reduction in our agency fees. We will handle all screening and case management with the same thoroughness as our standard program.

Insurance Policies

Heartland Surrogacy ensures that all surrogate insurance policies are reviewed by an independent third party. If the surrogate does not have health insurance that covers a surrogacy pregnancy, it is the responsibility of the intended parents to provide one for the surrogate.

Surrogate Compensation

The surrogate’s base compensation is paid in installments after the pregnancy is confirmed via ultrasound. This ensures that the payment process aligns with the progress of the surrogacy journey.

Screening and Psychological Review

If a surrogate does not pass the psychological and/or medical evaluation, we will work diligently to rematch the intended parents with a suitable carrier as quickly as possible at no additional cost. If the surrogate is no longer medically cleared after an unsuccessful embryo transfer, or chooses to end their agreement following a failed transfer, miscarriage, or other circumstances that do not result in a birth, Heartland Surrogacy can assist in finding a new surrogate for an additional fee of $15,000.

Intended parents are responsible for covering the costs associated with the psychological and medical evaluations of a new surrogate.

Professional Services

Heartland Surrogacy does not hold escrow or provide legal services. Intended parents have the flexibility to work with the escrow holder of their choice. Surrogates and intended parents must have individual legal representation by attorneys experienced in surrogacy contracts.